This is the special site of Sekinan Research Field of Language, being aimed to the research of language universals.
Sekinan Research Field of Language has written some papers since 2003, especially being related with language universals. The theme is highly vague and hard to describe clearly.
Therefore from the time of the Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1920s, it has been the unforgettable but put-aside important theme for members, now I am so thinking.
Really it is a fine agenda before us all. Probably I am a happy one being concerned with it over a long period of time. Tokyo22 September 2013
Sekinan research Field of Language
The Linguistic Circle of Prague and CHINO Eiichi
The Linguistic Circle of Prague was taught from CHINO Eiichi in his class of Structural Linguistics in the late 1970s. We first met at the university in 1969. He was young, probably the age 30s. I was 21 years old. Now referring his chronological record, CHINO was born in 1932, graduated Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 1955, entered Carrel University at Czechoslovakia in 1958 and returned to Japan in 1964. So we met after 5 years from his returning. Sometimes we conversed at the coffee shop near the station we used. California, it was the name of the shop, up the rattled stairs, under the dim light. It was the youth time of mine and probably with him.The greatest thing he gave me was teaching me the existence of KARCEVSKIJ Sergei in the Linguistic Circle of Prague. My latter half life was almost determined by KARCEVSLIJ's one paper, " Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" . One day on the train after school, he calmly but definitely said to me that he never was linguist because he never discovered any new language or law and he only was the introducer to general linguistics. Now I really think that I am also never linguist nor introducer. I only love language, so have written on language or its around till now. CHINO taught me the the study or rather more deep attitude to the life itself.Regretfully he died in 2002, age 70. He wrote several books on linguistics. The masterpiece that I confirmed is Janua Linguisticae reserata 1994, that is the general invitation to linguistics for further studying of wide and deep view. The title was determined by the famous book of Jan Amos Komensky 1592-1670, Janua Linguarum reserata 1632. Here I feel CHINO's deep love to the history and culture to Czechoslovakia where he studied for Czech in 7 years. [Note added]I frequently heard on Linguistic Circle of Prague (LCP) from CHINO. But now standing in the twilight of my learning, I have not understood anything about it essentially, that had probably much more heritage for contemporary language study than my thinking. I already old and can never start to cultivate the new frontier on LCP or its successive study. Only saying is what I really recognise that LCP and Russian philology is the heimat of my language study. It is and will be the heimat of my soul evermore.
19 July 2012 Tokyo
13 July 2012
19 July 2012 Added
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Andre Martinet
Reread Andre Martinet's ELEMENTS DE LINGUISTIQUE GENERALE, 1970. When I was a student in 1970s, the book was already determined the established reputation. Now at rereading, I confirmed that one of his most concerned thing was the amalgamation of moneme, which is still radically never solved . But by his approach or any other similar approached researchers, Martinet-like style of studying is very difficult to progress. I have taken the another way to think on the themes influenced from KARCEVSKIJ Sergej (the early example ; Holomorphic meaning Theory 2008 ) by using the mathematical methods, especially algebraic geometry. Recent result on the relation between characters and time in language is shown below.Time of WANG Guowei, 2011, sekinanmetria Tokyo16 July 2012Sekinan Research Field of Language
The Time
The Time of QuantumThe Time of WANG GuoweiThe Time of LanguageThe Time of Wittgenstein Tokyo
23 June 2013
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