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Site Name History
SRFL has uploaded the papers on language universals since 2003, when the site name was using sekinan.org.
Now its name is not adopted by not-using the self-managed website.
From 2014, I have mainly used Weebly site titled Sekinan initials. So crowned Sekinan sites contain mainly early papers and essays although being renewed appropriately. Also I have used Wix site for invitation being named SIL initials.
But the papers have gradually increased. In 2016 I have newly used Webnode site for the reason storing up more papers easily. Webnode sites are titled mainly SRFL initials, which papers are from Middle to Present.
Besides Weebly and Webnode, I have used Website, Site 123 for simplified and invitational sites, so these sites are almost Modern papers and essays and understandable invitation articles to the study of language. Contained papers are rather few but probably more readable, especially to the first visiting learners of language problems, naming is ENSILA for Website and Sekinan for Site 123.
Now I have used Webnode for garner of papers and essays. Site123 is for classification by themes. Webnode's SRFL is adopted to invitational site for the time being.
3 September 2020
27 March 2023 Renewed
Sekinan Library
From Author;
Paper site, SRFL Paper, does not exist now.So sorry.Next all papers are picked up one by one, mainly from Sekinan Library Blogger sites SRFL News and Sekinan Table.
Please Refer to SRFL News,
Symmetry Flow Language 2 Time Shift of Meaning in Moduli Space 7th for KARCEVSKIJ SergejSymmetry Flow Language 2 Boundary, Deformation and Torus as LanguageSymmetry Flow Language Meaning Variation and Time Shift in Word as Homotopy For WANG Guowei and KARCEVSKIJ SergejSymmetry Flow Language Simplex, Simplicial Complex and PolyhedronSymmetry Flow Language Homology on LanguageSymmetry Flow Language Riemannian Metric, Flow and EntropySymmetry Flow Language Premise for Symmetry Flow in LanguageSymmetry Flow Language ContentsLanguage and Spacetime Time Flow in Word For KOHARI Akihiro and His TimeLanguage and Spacetime Stability of LanguageLanguage and Spacetime Construction of Spacetime Especially on Transformation with Boundary for DimensionsLanguage and Spacetime Shift of Time From SAPIR Edward to KAWAMATA YujiroLanguage and Spacetime Description of Meaning 6th Time For KARCEVSKIJ SergejLanguage and Spacetime Generation of Sentence For WANG Guowei and CELAN PaulLanguage and Spacetime Structure of Word From KARCEVSKIJ to MACLANELanguage and Spacetime Word Containing Time and 4 Dimensional Sphere Dedicated to MAC LANE SaundersLanguage and Spacetime Language Definition for the Child who Lost the WorldLanguage and Spacetime ContentsEscalator Language Theory Closed String, Worldsheet and Worldvolume on Escalator Language TheoryEscalator Language Theory Supplement to Spacetime Symmetry and Escalator Brane For CALVINO ItaroEscalator Language Theory Spacetime Symmetry and Escalator BraneEscalator Language Theory Escalator MembraneEscalator Language Theory Time Symmetry Conjecture For GANTSCHEV Ivan THE CHRISTMAS TRAINEscalator Language Theory Escalator Language and Time For SHINRAN’s Idea of BOHDISATTVAEscalator Language Theory ContentsAurora Time Theory Opened Time and Closed Time For WANG Guowei and DELBRÜCK MaxAurora Time Theory Opened Time and Closed Time For WANG Guowei and DELBRÜCK MaxAurora Time Theory Enlarged Distance Theory For CELAN PaulAurora Time Theory Imaginary Time and Imaginary Space From HAWKING StephenAurora Time Theory Time on AuroraAurora Time Theory ContentsAurora Theory Why Human Time Flows Fast and Slow on OccasionAurora Theory Distance and Time 5th Time for KARCEVSKIJAurora Theory Dictoron and TimeAurora Theory Aurora Plane For MotherAurora Theory Limitation of MeaningAurora Theory Dictoron, Time and SymmetryAurora Theory Aurora and Riemann Sphere For MASON L. J.Aurora Theory Dictoron as Language QuantumAurora Theory Aurora and CurvatureAurora Theory Dictoron and Aurora For SAEKI ShizutoAurora Theory Dictoron For FINKELSTEIN DavidAurora Theory ContentsSupersurface and Language Nested Cube, Nested Torus and Cut-Tube-Ring -Toward Homology Group-Supersurface and Language Supersurface, String and Knot including Longitude and Time -Toward Moduli Space-Supersurface and Language ContentsTube-Ring Theory Clockwise Language and Anticlockwise Language On Linguistic UniversalsTube-Ring Theory True and False Hierarchy of Language For CHINO Eiichi and PragueTube-Ring Theory Freedom and String Structures of Multi Dimensional SpacesTube-Ring Theory Imaginary Language Minus Dimensional Cut-Tube-RingTube-Ring Theory Cut and GlueTube-Ring Theory Premise of Tube-Ring Theory Advance of Dimension Conducted by KARCEVSKIJTube-Ring Theory ContentsTopological Semantics From Lattice to NecklaceTopological Semantics Breaking Symmetry of Language For TARSKITopological Semantics Torus Chain For MAC LANE SaundersTopological Semantics Lineation, Rectangle and UniversalityTopological Semantics DefinitionPre-Topological Semantics Nested Torus Theory - Plane Pillar Torus - For PONTLYAGIN Lev SemenovichTopological Semantics ContentsQuantum Semantics Super FluidityQuantum Semantics Fiber Bundle on LanguageQuantum Semantics Topological Tolerance For MILNOR J.W.Quantum Semantics Topological Entangled Language For KITAEV Alexei YuQuantum Semantics Gauss’ planeQuantum Semantics Lineation Lattice Plane PillarQuantum Semantics Proclamation of Quantum SemanticsQuantum Semantics LatticeQuantum Semantics ContentsQuantum Language Frame and Transmission For Quantum Language Machine 3Quantum Language Substantiality of Language For the Memory of Encounter with CHINO Eiichi nearly thirty years agoQuantum Language ContentsQuantum Linguistics Creation of Meaning Toward Realization of Quantum Language Machine 2Quantum Linguistics Nature of Quantum Toward Realization of Quantum Language MachineQuantum Linguistics Growth of Word Dedicated to TAKEUCHI GaishiQuantum Linguistics Method of Quantum LinguisticsQuantum Linguistics Quantum Language Machine For the Forth Time to KARCEVSKIJQuantum Linguistics Intention and SentenceQuantum Linguistics Solidity and FlexibilityQuantum Linguistics ContentsObi Theory Birth Again for PONTLYAGIN L. S.Obi Theory WhirlObi Theory MeaningObi Theory TimeObi Theory UniverseObi Theory Obi LanguageObi Theory ContentsFor Authentication of SoliditySolid Trace Theory SuperlatticeSolid Trace Theory Solid Trace LanguageSolid Trace Theory Solid TraceSolid Trace Theory ContentsQuantum Warp Theory FoldingQuantum Warp Theory Dualism Thrice for KARCEVSKIJQuantum Warp Theory WarpQuantum Warp Theory ContentsDouble Linear Theory Double Linear LanguageDouble Linear Language ContentsCube Theory Cube WordRead more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/paper-2003-2007/Cube Theory Cube LanguageCube Theory Cube LanguageCube Theory Structure of CubeCube Theory DimensionCube Theory ContentsDuplicability Theory LiteralnessDuplicability Theory AntiworldDuplicability Theory DuplicabilityDuplicability Theory ContentsFrame-Sentence Language AssociationFrame-Sentence Language AssociationFrame-Sentence Language ComparisonFrame-Sentence Language IntentionFrame-Sentence Language Sentence Theoretical CriterionFrame-Sentence Language BoundaryFrame-Sentence Language ContentsReversionary Group Theory Inverse ElementReversionary Group Theory Associative LawReversionary Group Theory SuppositionFrame-Sentence Language AssociationFrame-Sentence Language ComparisonFrame-Sentence Language IntentionFrame-Sentence Language Sentence Theoretical CriterionFrame-Sentence Language BoundaryReversionary Group Theory Inverse ElementReversionary Group Theory Associative LawReversionary Group Theory SuppositionRobot Language Selectionem Terminology in Robot LanguageRobot Language Selectionem Inference and WillRobot Language Selectionem SelectionRobot Language SortingRobot Language Sentence Confirmation for FormulationRobot Language RobotRobot Language DiversificationRobot Language PremiseFor Authentication of SoliditySet Theory 4Set Theory 3 -On Frame Quantum Language-Set Theory 2Set TheoryNote RecognitionNote ReflectionNote For SemanticsFrame-Quantum-Time Theory 4 -Set Theory-Frame-Quantum-Time Theory 3 -For Karcevskij Again-Frame-Quantum-Time Theory 2Frame-Quantum-Time TheorySubdivisionGrowthVectorAutomatonReceptionistSystemLineationDescriptivenessPremise for Frame-Quantum TheoryAim for Frame-Quantum TheoryFrame-Quantum Theory AddendumFrame-Quantum TheoryWarp TheoryPrague Theory 3Prague Theory 2Prague TheoryTime TheoryVectorAutomatonSystemLineation For CHOMSKY NoamDescriptivenessConversationIdeogramRecognitionFrameSubstantiality To SAPIR EdwardGrammar To CHINO EiichiFixationTime For KARCEVSKIJIndividualityChangeability To SAPIR and KARCEVSKIJUniformity For SAUSSURE FerdinandDirection For KARCEVSKIJ SergejActual Language and Imaginary Language To LÉVI-STRAUSS ClaudeGuarantee of Language For LÉVI-STRAUSS ClaudeMirror LanguageMirror Theory For the Structure of PrayerReversion TheoryQuantum Theory for LanguagePrague Theory Dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ, PRAGUE and CHINODistance TheoryOn Time Property Inherent in CharactersManuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003-2019 Newly revised edition Read more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/paper-2003-2007/productscbm_554/100/
Escalator Language Theory Turning Point of Time For SINGER Isaac Bashevis, WHEN SHLEMIEL WENT TO WARSAW AND OTHER STORIESEnergy Distance Theory Conjecture 2 Geometry of WordEnergy Distance Theory Conjecture 1 Word and Meaning MinimumEnergy Distance Theory Note 4 Finsler Manifold and DistanceEnergy Distance Theory Note 3 Energy and FunctionalEnergy Distance Theory Note 2 Heat and DiffusionEnergy Distance Theory Note 1 Energy and DistanceEnergy Distance Theory ContentsStochastic Meaning Theory Conjecture 2 Warp and EntropyStochastic Meaning Theory Conjecture 1Stochastic Meaning Theory 5 Language as Brown Motion For ZHANG Taiyan 2Stochastic Meaning Theory 4 Energy of Language For ZHANG Taiyan and Wenshi 1908Stochastic Meaning Theory 3 Place of Meaning For Aurora TheoryStochastic Meaning Theory 2 Period of Meaning 13th for KARCEVSKIJ SergejStochastic Meaning Theory Period of Meaning 12th for KARCEVSKIJ SergejStochastic Meaning Theory ContentsHolomorphic Meaning Theory 2 11th for KARCEVSKIJ SergejHolomorphic Meaning Theory 10th for KARCEVSKIJ SergejHolomorphic Meaning Theory ContentsReversion Analysis Theory 2Reversion Analysis TheoryReversion Analysis Theory ContentsFunctional Analysis 2 Conjecture 1 Generation of WordFunctional Analysis 2 Note 2 Orthogonal DecompositionFunctional Analysis 2 Note 1 Pre-Hilbert Space and Hilbert SpaceFunctional Analysis 2 ContentsFunctional Analysis Conjecture 2 Distance at HypersurfaceFunctional Analysis Conjecture 1 Finiteness of VocabularyFunctional Analysis Note 4 FunctionalFunctional Analysis Note 3 SpaceFunctional Analysis Note 2 Equality and InequalityFunctional Analysis Note 1 Baire’s Category TheoremFunctional Analysis Contentsvon Neumann Algebra 4 Conjecture 1 Relation between Word and Sentence From Word to Sentencevon Neumann Algebra 4 Note 2 Borchers’ Theoremvon Neumann Algebra 4 Note 1 Tomita’s Fundamental Theoremvon Neumann Algebra 3 Note 2 Purely Infinitevon Neumann Algebra 3 Note 1 Properly Infinitevon Neumann Algebra 2 Note Generation Theoremvon Neumann Algebra Note 3 Compact Operatorvon Neumann Algebra Note 2 Tensor Productvon Neumann Algebra Note 1 Measurevon Neumann Algebra ContentsOperator Algebra Conjecture 3 RecognitionOperator Algebra Conjecture 2 GrammarOperator Algebra Conjecture 1 Order of WordOperator Algebra Note 4 Frame OperatorOperator Algebra Note 3 Self-adjoint and SymmetryOperator Algebra Note 1 Differential Operator and SymbolOperator Algebra ContentsKac-Moody Lie Algebra Conjecture 1 Finiteness in Infinity on LanguageKac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum GroupKac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 1 Kac-Moody Lie AlgebraKac-Moody Lie Algebra ContentsClifford Algebra Conjecture 1 Meaning ProductClifford Algebra Note 7 Creation Operator and Annihilation OperatorClifford Algebra Note 6 PeriodicityClifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time TheoryClifford Algebra Note 4 Dirac Operator From 3-dimensional Spinor Group to 4-dimensional Spin ManifoldClifford Algebra Note 3 Anti-self-dual FormClifford Algebra Note 2 Anti-automorphismClifford Algebra Note 1 From Super Space to QuantizationClifford Algebra ContentsNoncommutative Distance Theory Note 5 Kontsevich InvariantNoncommutative Distance Theory Note 4 Atiyah’s Axiomatic SystemNoncommutative Distance Theory Note 3 Point SpaceNoncommutative Distance Theory Note 2 C*-AlgebraNoncommutative Distance Theory Note 1 GroupoidNoncommutative Distance Theory ContentsDistance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 3 S3 and Hoph MapDistance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 2 DistanceDistance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model 1 BendDistance Theory Algebraically Supplemented ContentsAlgebraic Linguistics Linguistic Result Deep Fissure between Word and SentenceAlgebraic Linguistics Linguistic Conjecture Sentence versus WordAlgebraic Linguistics ContentsCell Theory Projective Space as Scheme for Word OrderCell Theory Conifold as WordCell Theory From Cell to Manifold For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSONCell Theory Contents Read more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/paper-2007-2008/
Born at Tokyo.
Spent at university.
Taught at high school.
Spent at graduate course.
1 April 1986
Founded Sekinan Library.
28 March 2018
Wrote Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language.
28 August 2003
Perceived the conception of Quantum Theory for Language.
Set up SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language.
15 January 2004
Wrote Quantum Theory for Language
Began to write papers at Zoho.
First papers are Complex Manifold Deformation Theory.
6 April 2014
Started Webnode SRFL Site, SRFL Note.
23 September 2018
Dedicated to the days
15 April 2022
Sekinan Library
Story 1
Papa Wonderful
Story 2
To Winter
Story 3
Resting Elbows Nearly Prayer
19 March 2022
Sekinan Library
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Read more: https://srfl-theory.webnode.page/